PWD : ArsiumInstaller
Hello eveyone I post one my creation called "Best Tools V1". It contains actually 6 rats (one for android) and 2 crypters. It's a msi installer. I put a new surprise rat as a thx for the community to download my work. I'm going to add more different tools but not only rats or crypters.
To use the new rat , you have in the file location of this new rat 2 folders called "GalaxyServer_net4" and "GalaxyServer_net2". This is one of these four files you have to put in "Drag and Drop server here". You must backup the four files to edit different server.
1 DON'T launch this rat as administrator, you couldn't drop a server otherwise
2 This rat has been cracked on russian forum, i don't take any credit
3 You need to extract the 2 files and execute first setup.exe to install the requirements.
4 If you have ''.....access denied" while building the server , go at this path C:\Program Files (x86)\Arsium\ and modify the permissions of all folders by giving a total control to "all application packages" , USER, and "all restricted application packages".
VirusTotal :
Setup.exe: https://www.virustot...sis/1545554094/
Best Rats.msi: https://www.virustot...25a20/detection